This form shall be completed by the member in accordance with resolution 01-24-89 and submitted to Manor Alterations. Along with this form, the member shall also submit photos of the “before” and “after” installation. If before photos are not available, the member shall provide a detailed explanation in the existing installation field below. Once the completed form is submitted, the member will receive a confirmation email from Manor Alterations, including an assigned receipt number. Members must retain this receipt number and form for their records. If a confirmation email is not received, please contact Manor Alterations at alterations@vmsinc.org or 949-597-4616.
The undersigned, a member of United Laguna Woods Mutual, hereby submits this completed form in order to document the manor alteration described herein. Said alteration shall be performed in accordance with City of Laguna Woods code and the mutual policies. A duly licensed and insured contractor shall perform all code required work, as identified by city permit required below, and which is described incorporated herein. The undersigned also understands and acknowledges that they are responsible for their actions and those of the contractor(s). By making this alteration the undersigned is acknowledging that they are taking full responsibility for the alteration described below and they also understand and acknowledge that they are responsible for any repercussions, damages, claims, fines or violations that result from the actions or inactions of myself and/or the contractor(s) regarding this installation/alteration. The undersigned also agree to be responsible for any damages to the manor and/or my neighbor’s manor as a result of these alterations/modifications. The undersigned also releases United Mutual from any liability as a result of these alterations/modifications.
اینجا را کلیک کنید to read the United Like-for-Equivalent Policy.