Jazz Lovers of Laguna Woods Monthly Gatherings

Performing Arts Center (PAC)/Clubhouse 3, Dining Room 1
First Thursday of each month (first meeting is January 4)
4 – 6 p.m. 
Yearly dues are $10

The Jazz Lovers of Laguna Woods promote mutual appreciation of jazz within our community through entertainment & education.

This newly established club is now hosting monthly gatherings, which are a mix of entertainment, discussions and updates on local jazz.

In addition to monthly gatherings, there are currently four concerts being planned for 2024.  These concerts are coined “Jazz in the Woods.” There will also be a jazz education workshop by an expert from the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz Performance at UCLA

For more information, contact Barbara Davidson at (949) 239-4657 or email jazzloversoflagunawoods@gmail.com
