請全體華聯會員支持 ”A petition against recalling two GRF directors” – Calling all CAC Members to Sign Petition


華人聯誼會8月份理事會決議請全體會員支持 ”A petition against recalling two GRF directors”,(簽名表格如附圖)。


尤其在乒乓球室,PC room, McIntosh room, shuffleboard room, archery room 的搬遷事件中,這兩位GRF理事全力維護居民的權益,最後封殺了搬離建議。我們感謝Jim Hopkins and Yvonne Horton 這兩位GRF理事,他們是LWV居民的真正朋友!

請各位會員下載簽名表格,填上manor number, 英文姓名,英文簽名後,如有可能,勸說您的村民朋友一起簽名。或逕往任何一位理事處簽名!


During the August CAC Board meeting, it was decided that we invite all CAC members to support “a petition against recalling two GRF directors”.  Attached is the petition.

On the recent proposal to move the Table Tennis Room, Computer Rooms, Archery Room, & Shuffleboard, these 2 GRF directors fought to protect the rights of all LWV residents, so that the proposal was cancelled.  We appreciate Jim Hopkins & Yvonne Horton’s effort to stand with all residents and look out for the benefits of all LWV residents, they should not be recalled.

Please sign the attached petition, and ask your neighbors and friends to do the same.  Or you can go to any CAC Board Member to sign the petition.  Please return the completed petition to any CAC Board Member by 8/15/24.  Thank you for your support!

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)

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