華聯端午聯歡活動報名延長至5月25日截止 The Registration Deadline for CAC’s Dragon Boat Festival Gala Has Deen Extended to May 25





爲答謝您選擇華聯會作為您的華人之家,感謝您成就華聯榮耀,積極奉獻人力財力, 6月6日我們將舉辦一場《端午安康》大型綜藝活動,所有節目全來自我們會員,吹拉彈唱,輕歌漫舞,自編自演,幽默樂趣,讓大家感受到端午節的風情,盡情享受盡在華聯的快樂。


日期: 2024年6月6日


開演:上午10點 -下午1點

地點: 五號俱樂部大廳。當天除聯歡節目,還有書畫同源會師生成果展出。還有蔣棠夫婦赠送的肉粽,每位憑入場劵領取肉棕一個, 及豐盛午餐飯盒一份。

收費標準: 現金或支票均可,支票請開付CACLWV。

2024年會員 $15元

非會費 $30元。





吳淑蓉 (Susan Wu) 469-288-0533

董景雯(Jennifer Tung )714-553-5150


周釆真 (Jan Zhou) 949-262-9271

3》二四太極班 週六早餐會

周世敏(Alma Yao) 203-613-1865

4 》書畫同源會

左秋蓮 (Qiu-Lian Zuo) 858-699-3211


李家秦(Jenny Cheng) 832-623-4117

6》CH2 太極練習组 星期一和二 9 to 10 am.

余碧珍 (Eliza Lipton )973-768-0004.









朱靜雯 949-230-7138

李  瑛    949-397-0862

*希望大家互相轉告!不要錯過。 儘早報名。

6/6日當天發放2024會員錄 ,會員每人一份。為環保,鼓勵一家兩口领一份。如有代領者,一定要提供被領者的門牌號。

順致:天時 地利 人合; 快樂 康健,友好!

Registration for the Dragon Boat Festival Party on June 6th was due to many members reporting that they were out of town and unable to register before May 15th! So now it has been postponed for 10 days! Until May 25th!

Dear members:

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. CAC wishes you and your family a happy holiday, health and safety, everything goes smoothly.

In order to thank you for choosing CAC as your Chinese home, thank you for achieving CAC’s glory and actively contributing human and financial resources, on June 6, we will hold a large-scale variety show “Dragon Boat Festival Health”. All programs will come from our members, including singing, dancing and variety of performance. Everyone will feel the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy the happiness of CAC. 

The following are the specific arrangements for this event:

When: June 6, 2024

Entrance: 9:30 am

Show starts: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Location: Clubhouse 5. In addition to the gala program that day, there will be an exhibition of the achievements of teachers and students in the field of calligraphy and painting. There will also be meat dumplings presented by Jiang Tang and his wife. Each person receives a meat dumpling and a sumptuous lunch box with the admission ticket.

Charges: Cash or check is accepted.

               Checks should be made payable to  CACLWV.

2024 members: $15

Non-members: $30

Each performer: $10

(If you have questions, please contact Zhu Jingwen or Li Ying directly. Please register as a group. Thank you for your cooperation.)

Registration location and volunteer hotline:

1》Table Tennis Room:

Susan Wu 469-288-0533

Jennifer Tung 714-553-5150

2》Morning sports and choir

Jan Zhou 949-262-9271

3》Two Four Tai Chi Class Saturday Breakfast Meeting

Zhou Shimin (Alma Yao) 203-613-1865

4 》Calligraphy and Painting Origin Society

Qiu-Lian Zuo 858-699-3211

5》Happy Hall

Jenny Cheng 832-623-4117

6》CH2 Tai Chi practice group Monday and Tuesday 9 to 10 am.

Eliza Lipton 973-768-0004 .

7》Lounge area behind Clubhouse 7 lobby

Monday, 5/6 and Tuesday, 5/7:

9:30am to 11:00am. Volunteers will be there to help you.

8》Sofa seating area behind Clubhouse 2 lobby

Wednesday, 5/8 and Thursday, 5/9:

9:30am to 11:00am

Volunteers will be there to help you.

If you have any questions, please call:

Zhu Jingwen 949-230-7138

Li Ying 949-397-0862

*Please inform each other! Do not miss it and sign up early. 

The 2024 membership list will be distributed on June 6th, one copy for each member. For the sake of environmental protection, families of two are encouraged to receive one. If there is a pick-up person, the house number of the person being picked up must be provided.

Wish you happy, good health and good mood!


Chinese Association Council (CAC Board)

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)

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