1,為會員佟秉亞先生競選 Laguna Woods City Council Member 助選(見附圖文宣)。
2,為會員Anthony Liberatore先生競選 Laguna Woods Village United Mutual Board連任助選(見附圖文宣)。
Anthony Liberatore 先生現任LWV United Mutual Board of Director, 也是華人聯誼會外聯組的成員,同時又是華人姑爺(其妻楊氏亦為華聯綜藝組成員)。
It was decided during the August CAC Board Meeting that:
1. CAC will support James Tung as a candidate for Laguna Woods City Council Member. See attached campaign flyer.
James Tung was a CAC interim president. He helped CAC with expense reduction, and is well respected amongst CAC members. He is currently a CAC advisor.
2. CAC will support Anthony Liberatore as a candidate for Laguna Woods Village United Mutual Board re-election. See attached flyer.
Anthony Liberatore is currently a LWV United Mutual Board of Director. He is also a member of CAC Communications. Anthony’s wife Grace Yang is a member of CAC Performance Group.
3. CAC will invite the above candidates to introduce themselves during our upcoming events. We would like to have our members’ support of them and wish them success in their upcoming elections!
華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)
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