端午及中秋活動預告(Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival)




1, 6月6日星期四,擧辦端午節活動。

2, 9月19日星期四,擧辦中秋節活動。

3, 2024年華聯志工工作組已全部建組完成。近日即將舉辦志工感恩大會。會中除報告2024年計劃,感謝各組志工熱心服務外,更重要的是表揚所有對華聯貢獻捐贈會員人士!



Good news, for this year’s Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. Tom Chiang & Mrs. Carol Chiang have agreed to sponsor a rice dumpling and a mooncake for each attendee during these events. Thank you both very much for your support!

Please mark your calendar for these 2 events!

1. Thursday June 6th – CAC Dragon Boat Festival

2. Thursday September 19th – CAC Mid-Autumn Festival

3. The 2024 CAC Volunteer groups have been finalized. A volunteer & donor appreciation meeting will be held soon.

4. Registration for the Year of the Dragon Festival Party on February 6th will continue until January 18th. Please don’t miss the deadline!

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)


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