City Offers Shredding Drop-off Service

Laguna Woods Village residents can schedule appointments to drop off personal documents at city hall for free shredding. Documents will be stored in locked containers until shredded by a National Association for Information Destruction® AAA certified company at a separate facility.

Appointments Are Required

To schedule an appointment, visit and click on the blue “Arrange Document Shredding” button. If no available appointments are displayed, you may also call city hall at 949-639-0500 to schedule.

Prior to scheduling an appointment, please review the following:

  • Proof of Laguna Woods residency is required for free document shredding.
  • No more than the equivalent of three 13-gallon kitchen trash bags of documents are allowed per appointment.
  • For security, you will be required to feed your documents through a small opening in a locked container. Please allow an appropriate amount of time to do so.
  • Remove binders, hanging file folders and large binder clips prior to your appointment. Manila folders with metal prongs, paper clips, rubber bands and staples are OK.
  • Do not bring newspapers or magazines unless they contain personal information.
  • X-rays, CDs, cassettes, flash drives, discs and batteries are not accepted.
  • Notify city hall staff once you arrive if you need assistance unloading your documents.

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