United Town Hall Sept. 13

The United Laguna Woods Mutual Board of Directors invites United residents to its next monthly town hall on Friday, September 13, at 2 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center/Clubhouse 3, Room 2 (23822 Avenida Sevilla).

Disclaimer: The majority of United Laguna Woods’ Board of Directors may be present at the town hall meeting to facilitate discussion and dialogue among the United Laguna Woods’ membership. The Board of Directors hereby provide notice of the town hall meeting as an open meeting of the Board of Directors under Civ. Code § 4920(a) given a majority or more of the directors may be present at the same time. No United Laguna Woods business will be acted on during the town hall meeting, and the purpose of the town hall meeting is to discuss items relating to United Laguna Woods raised by its members attending the town hall meeting. Therefore, the notice of the town hall meeting set forth will constitute the agenda for the open board meeting in compliance with Civ. Code § 4920(d).

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Unless otherwise stated, all meetings, events and amenities are for the use of Laguna Woods Village residents and their authorized guests only.