Finding Solid Footing

In an effort to promote a higher quality experience for horses and riders by minimizing dust and providing a uniform surface, the GRF-approved project to enhance the Equestrian Center riding and lesson arena is now complete. 

The Village riding program returned with an influx of riders and new boarders. The desire to continue to attract new boarders and provide a quality facility for existing boarders necessitates a well-maintained equine arena, as it is a primary focus of potential boarders when selecting a facility for their horses. Equestrian arenas require regular maintenance and resurfacing to provide proper horse footing, and arena footing should be deep enough to provide cushion.

If you haven’t visited the Equestrian Center lately to see all the great new improvements and perhaps watch the facility’s beautiful horses, make time today!

The Laguna Woods Village Equestrian Center was one of the first recreational facilities built when the community was developed in the late 1960s. Over the past 55 years, the large arena has sustained wear, tear and hardening due to weather and regular use. No records on file indicate that the large arena has ever been comprehensively resurfaced.

In September 2019, GRF adopted and approved the 2020 Capital Reserve Expenditures Plan, which included a $50,000 appropriation for the Equestrian Center front lawn turf replacement. 

In April of this year, Equestrian Center Supervisor Laura Cobarruviaz went before the GRF board to gain approval to reallocate the approved funds to the proposed arena footing improvement project and award a contract to Laser Grade of San Juan Capistrano, the low, under-budget bidder that has successfully completed similar projects at other venues, including the Orange County Fair Ground arena.  

For more Village news, click on the tag “What’s Up in the Village” below.


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