2020 Year in Review
The year 2020 was unlike any other in most ways, including stoking grave health concerns, posing restrictive social and economic challenges, and erecting professional roadblocks.
It was a difficult year, to say the least. However, here at Village Management Services (VMS), our staff continued working without skipping a beat—either on site or remotely—to ensure all vital tasking continued—governance, health and safety, information technology, landscaping, maintenance and construction, media and communications, resident services, transportation and more.
On behalf of the VMS Board of Directors, we are proud to share with you, Laguna Woods Village residents, the 2020 Year in Review video presentation that debuted at the open VMS board meeting on Wednesday, April 7. This video highlights how VMS managed crisis-driven change, navigated uncertainty, protected the Village, maintained important priorities, economized where possible and adapted to a new reality for the Village and its thousands of residents.
While the past 12 months indeed have been hard, with low points few could have ever imagined, as a community we move ever closer to better days in triumph, proving that, in fact, it does “take a village” to meet and beat adversity.
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