Updates: Coronavirus and Our Community
We're moving all community alerts to a new site to centralize critical information and make access easier. The information on this page can be found on the new site at the following URL:
Visit the Orange County Health Care Agency to view confirmed COVID-19 cases in Orange County. The City of Laguna Woods reports eight confirmed cases.
Please note that no one has public access to the identity or location of these confirmed cases. Privacy laws prevent disclosure of information regarding specific individuals. It is imperative that all residents exercise strict precautions to avoid exposure to COVID-19.
Tune in to TV6
Live updates are broadcast daily on Village Television (TV6) at 9 a.m. and replayed throughout the day. To view previous broadcasts, click here. Watch the TV6 message board for additional important information.
Local Grocery, Pharmacy and Restaurant Resources
Click here for a complete list of information.
19 Restaurant & Lounge Hours
Offers free delivery and pickup daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Village residents can order at the restaurant or call 949-206-1525. View the menu here.
Frequently Asked Questions
A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions can be found on the CDC website.
For updates on the virus in Orange County, call the Orange County Health Care Agency helpline Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 800-564-8448.
To view a complete list of frequently asked questions regarding the Village, click here.
- Coronavirus updates (lagunawoodsvillagealerts.com)
- Local food delivery and meal resources
- FAQs: COVID-19 and the Village
- Mental health care resources
- Laguna Woods Village Social Services: 949-597-4267, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Orange County COVID-19 Hotline: 833-426-6411
- Orange County Health Care Agency: 800-564-8448 or visit ochealthinfo.com
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: cdc.gov
- COVID-19 in the state of California: covid19.ca.gov
Please note: VMS is not a source of health care information and is not equipped in any way to provide for medical needs of any nature. According to OCHCA guidelines, if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, and you believe you need medical care, call your health care provider first so that appropriate precautions can be taken. Call 911 in an emergency. For more Village news, click on the tag “What’s Up in the Village” below.