Third LED Streetlight Conversion Process Moves Forward

Earlier this year, Third Mutual, with the assistance of the Maintenance and Construction Department and consultant Siemens Industry Inc., acquired its streetlight infrastructure from Southern California Edison, which will mean improved customer service for Third Residents, enhanced safety and a cleaner, reduced-energy footprint. Existing, inefficient, high-power sodium fixtures will be converted to LED technology and will lead to a greater long-term savings to the mutual—an approximate annual savings of $103,985 per year (previously estimated at $83,000 per year).

During a March pilot program, three options were installed on poles on Avenida Sosiega between Gate 10 and Via Carrizo, and Third Residents were invited to ask questions and comment on the variations being tested. On Thursday, July 18, at 9 a.m. in the Community Center Board Room, Siemens will present a proposal to explore alternatives beyond those tested in March. At that time, Maintenance and Construction will seek approval to move forward with four separate pilot tests, which will include a selection of an additional alternative fixtures, multiple locations and different light intensities, to address feedback from the last pilot project. For comparison, the first-pilot fixtures will remain in place. Again, Third Residents will be invited to ask questions and provide feedback. 

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