The Third Mutual board of directors is calling Third members to submit candidate applications to fill one vacancy on the VMS board with a term ending in 2025.
Laguna Woods Village management is unique and unlike most age-restricted communities. Since 2016, the community has been managed by Village Management Services Inc. (VMS), a member-owned, mutual-benefit, nonprofit corporation that provides comprehensive services to the Village and its residents.
The VMS board differs from the GRF, Third and United boards in that it oversees VMS operations and supports its employees. Meetings are open to board members of the other governing boards when not in closed session, during which personnel matters are on the agenda.
Third members may obtain an application and instructions by visiting the Laguna Woods Village Community Center (24351 El Toro Road) concierge, who will notify Corporate Secretary Makayla Schwietert (949-268-2295) or Assistant Corporate Secretary Paul Nguyen (949-268-2383) of the applicant’s arrival.
Completed applications and candidate statements are due to Ms. Schwietert or Mr. Nguyen no later than 5 p.m. Friday, January 24. Interviews will take place on Friday, January 31 at 10 a.m. in the Community Center board room and virtually via Zoom.
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