Clubhouse 1 Project Update

Renovations to the 41,000-square-foot, 60-year-old community landmark that hosts a wide range of recreation and social activities will begin in early March 2024.

This is the first substantial renovation of Clubhouse 1 since its construction in 1964. The project includes interior updates to flooring, wall coverings, lighting and fixtures in various locations within most of the clubhouse buildings. The project also includes door and window replacement, as well as painting of all exterior stucco. 

To ensure resident safety, and to allow for completion of the work in the most timely and efficient manner, most Clubhouse 1 facilities, including the fitness center, gym, pool, archery, shuffleboard and all surface parking areas, will be closed to residents during an estimated six-month construction period. The Village Library and Laguna Woods History Center will remain open, with parking access near the entrance and in the lot behind the library building.  

Recreation Update

Great news! Recreation has worked vigorously to keep bocce and pétanque open for the duration of construction. Bocce players will be able to park in front of the bocce courts, per usual. In addition, nearly 100% of rental groups have been relocated to alternate venues. However, Pool 1 will close Monday, February 12, for critical annual maintenance that must be completed prior to the renovation commencing.

Transportation Hub Update

The Transportation Division is coordinating with the Department of Recreation and Special Events and project staff to establish an alternate transportation hub in the parking lot east of the Village Library/History Center building on Calle Aragon. An alternate hub at this location allows the Transportation Division to continue service without modifying the fixed-route bus schedule. This area is large enough to accommodate our buses and still provide parking for Village Library/History Center visitors. For any transportation-related questions, please call the transportation office at 949-597-4659.

Thank You

Your patience is appreciated, and the GRF board and staff are confident you will be pleased with the end results of this project. Stay tuned for more updates along the way!

For more information, contact the Recreation and Special Events office at 레크리에이션 또는 949-597-4273.

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