Exercise Caution When Walking in the Village

Walking offers great physical, mental and emotional benefits. Most roadways in and around the Village have designated sidewalks, but there are other areas, such as culs-de-sac, driveways and intersections, where pedestrians must remain alert for approaching motorists and/or bicyclists.

Pedestrians and active walkers should take the following precautions when venturing out into the community—particularly at night, when visibility is low and motorists may struggle to see you. 

  • Mind lighting conditions, especially during dawn, dusk and times of high glare or low light. Decreased daylight, shadows and nightfall make it harder for motorists to see pedestrians. 
  • Dress to be seen. Wear light, bright-colored or reflective clothing, especially if you walk at night. If you do walk when it’s dark, carry a flashlight.
  • Walk on sidewalks and not the road. Stepping in front of oncoming cars can cause a serious accident for all involved. If you must walk in the street, walk facing traffic.
  • Plan walking routes to avoid dangerous intersections or high-traffic areas. Look for safe, alternative routes with adequate sidewalks or footpaths.
  • Take extra care when walking through parking lots. These locations create unique hazards because drivers may be turning quickly or backing out of a parking space. Be sure to look for backup lights, and listen for engine noise.
  • Walk with a friend. An exercise companion can add to the pleasure of your outing—and increase the safety factor. Enjoy your conversation as you walk, but don’t let it distract you from monitoring road and traffic hazards. 
  • Be watchful of motorists making turns at intersections. Drivers are concentrating on their maneuvers and avoiding oncoming traffic, so they might not see you. Always look for vehicles making right turns at red lights and for vehicles making left turns. 
  • Wait for a “fresh green” when crossing at traffic signals to allow yourself ample time to cross safely.
  • Walk within designated crosswalks, and allow plenty of time to cross the street.
  • Stay attentive to your surroundings. Be a defensive walker who is ready for the unexpected. 

Village에 대한 더 많은 소식을 보려면 아래의 "What's Up in the Village" 태그를 클릭하세요. 
