Impressive Resident Services Stats

Resident Services strives to achieve specific, quantifiable service goals when residents enter the department’s double doors for assistance. In April, Resident Services delivered the highest walk-in and telephone service results in many years.

The goal of a Resident Services representative is to assist visitors within a 10-minute or less wait time; the goal for time taken to properly assist a resident is 8 minutes or less.

Below are the walk-in and telephone statistics for the month of April.

Walk-In Statistics

  • Customers assisted: 3,929
  • Average wait time: 6:20 minutes
  • Average time spent with a resident: 6:15 minutes

Telephone Statistics

  • Resident Services: 7,595 calls from residents who experienced an average wait of 1:29 minutes
  • Broadband: 1,760 calls from residents who experienced an average wait of 1:40 minutes

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