빌리지 텔레비전
Thursdays in April
(April 7, 14, 21 & 28)
8 p.m.
Enjoy a look back at the 선샤인 퍼포먼스 클럽‘s second and third major shows. Originally presented on Aug. 31, 2008, and Jan. 24, 2009, these musical variety shows will air every Thursday in April on TV6. The original shows were free for Village residents and benefited the Foundation of Laguna Woods Village and the Saddleback Memorial Foundation.
자세한 내용은 Sunshine Lutey에 문의하세요. 949-278-6454 또는 선샤인루티@gmail.com또는 Sunshine Performance Club을 방문하세요. 웹사이트.