Helping a Neighbor With Memory Loss

Clubhouse 1 Art Room
Monday, March 14, 2022
오전 10시

Join the Fit Brain Club‘s March meeting on how to help loved ones, friends or neighbors in our community who are experiencing memory loss or other cognitive changes. Toni Shapiro, LCSW, of Alzheimer’s Orange County will present, “My Neighbor Has Memory Loss: How Can I Help?”

자세한 내용은 Sunshine Lutey에 문의하세요. 949-278-6454, email 선샤인루티, visit the Fit Brain Club’s 웹사이트, or download the flyer by clicking the orange button below.

The Fit Brain Club meets every second Monday at 10 a.m. with various guest speakers presenting topics related to brain health, memory, planning for the future and more! Programs for the club are provided by Alzheimer’s Orange County. Light refreshments are provided by Adapt2It Home Medical Supply.


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