빌리지 텔레비전
Thursdays in March (March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31)
8 p.m.
Enjoy a look back at the 선샤인 퍼포먼스 클럽‘s first major show that began the club’s legacy of musical productions that benefit charity. Originally presented on Feb. 16, 2008, in the Clubhouse 3 theater, “A Musical Variety Show” will air every Thursday in March on TV6. The show was free for Village residents and a benefit for Saddleback Memorial Foundation, which received the audience’s donations of $2,700. Performers included:
- Allan Couzens
- Beverly Dumas
- David Hartman
- Ed Hayes
- Sunshine Lutey
- Sam Rose
- Star Warford
- Art Yanes
자세한 내용은 Sunshine Lutey에 문의하세요. 949-278-6454 또는 선샤인루티@gmail.com또는 Sunshine Performance Club을 방문하세요. 웹사이트.