華聯近期活動通告 (CAC Announcements on Recent Activities)







4,新收到蔣棠夫婦剛剛捐款$3,000元。(已指定用途)徐愛萍捐款 $100元,趙葆蘿捐贈現金$20元,特此感谢。

Please note the following activities coming up:

1.  Lantern Festival Celebration Party will be held on Friday 2/17/23.  Door opens at 9:30 am.  Program starts at 10 am.  There will be calligraphy and painting displayed in the hallway, please allow time to enjoy!  Prizes for this event continue to come in, so there will be many lucky winners!

2.  CAC Pickleball Tournament has been scheduled for Tuesday 3/21/23 10 am to 3 pm.  Please mark your calendar and stay tuned for details.

3.  There have been blooms sightings recently in Southern California.  CAC is planning a day trip to see wildflowers.  Please stay tuned for details.

4.  Mr. & Mrs. Tom Chiang has donated $3,000 to CAC.  Other donors also contributed to CAC’s funding.

華人聯誼會(CAC Board)


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village