華聯春季賞花一日遊 (CAC Wildflower Trip 3/29/23)

尊敬의 各位회장:

今年冬天充沛降雨,將迎來花卉盛開的好時光。根據部分會員的提議,CAC華人聯誼會理事會決定:3月29日組織會員朋友參加Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve 羚羊谷加州罌粟保護區(名勝賞花景區)連同Nethercutt Museum 汽車博物館,Vasquez Rocks Natural Area岩石公園兩地的一日遊。(或因時間關係僅選擇一地) 





旅遊費的支票請寫旅行社名稱:C&O TRAVEL INC 。



金順姑 (Sandy Jin) 949-795-6323

추롄쭈오(Qiu-Lian Zuo) 858-699-3211

吳淑蓉 (수잔 우) 469-288-0533




八. 3月29日是我們與旅行社依據往年經驗選定的賞花佳期,但由於氣候變化的原因,可能有不盡人意的情況發生,敬請諒解。甚感!


CAC will be hosting a wildflower trip to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve on 3/29/23.  Nethercutt Museum and/or Vasquez Rocks Natural Area will be included as well.  Trip details as follows:

1.  Time – 3/29/23 8:30am LWV Gate 3

2.  Fee – $30 per person (tips and gratuities paid by CAC)

3.  One bottle water will be provided, please bring your own lunch / snacks.

4.  CAC 2023 members will have priority, limited to 110 people, on a first come first served basis.  Checks should be payable to C&O TRAVEL INC.

5.  Please RSVP with the volunteers listed above in the Chinese section.

6.  Please try to register with friends and family as a group of more or less 10 people.  Please also let us know if anyone needs to be sitting in front rows due to physical or health reasons.

7.  It is estimated that we will be back at LWV around 5pm.

8.  Since changing weather conditions can affect the flowers, please understand that there may be chances that the flowers will not be showing well on that day.

華聯理事會 (CAC Board)


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