尊敬의 各位회장:
NOTE: English version of this e-mail follow the Chinese version below.
1. 天氣預報下週四白天最高氣溫將達近90度,基於安全考慮,華聯會經討論決定將原定的Pickleball友誼賽時間週四(4月7日)白天10-15點改為 週三(4月6日)晚上6點。請大家準時到達參加比賽。由於平時晚上打球的人比較多,很難預計有多少場地能供我們比賽使用。我們只能按照club 的規則,按順序簽到來使用場地。如果場地充裕的話,我們希望能在周三晚上結束比賽。萬一場地不太充裕,組委會將會根據當時的情況,將未能進行的比賽延續到週四(4月7日)晚上6點進行。週三晚上,華聯會會提供Pizza和水供參賽者享用。對於由於賽事時間的更改對大家可能帶來的不便,我們深表歉意。我們希望大家能盡量安排時間,來參加這次期待已久的友誼賽。
請參閱下面抽籤組成的團隊名單。CAC組委會將會提供免責書一份, 參賽者在賽前必須簽署,並交還當席組委會工作人員。
2. 華聯近期收到捐款記要:
* 余寄玲會員再次為我們捐款$300。余寄玲曾為2月23日野生動物園的旅遊捐款$300. 這是她為大家第二次捐款。
* 美游假期旅遊公司回饋$450。
* 3月23日收到郵寄支票$100元,為會員趙先同及趙彩先夫婦所捐赠。
* 3月26會員劉立義與馬慧夫婦,捐赠$70元。
3. 華聯與社團互動:
* 三月份本村電視第六台訪問會長楊平飛,並於每周三及周日上午播出,已告一段落。感謝熱心會員介紹與第六台的製作人合作,亦感謝第六台對華聯的正面報導。
* 感謝熱心會員介紹本會與本村韓國人社團的介紹,我們已經與韓國社團多次互動。
* 感謝熱心會員介紹本會與爾灣松柏會的互動,我們互相交流并參與對方的活動。
1. According to the weather forecast, the temperature will reach nearly 90°F next Thursday. So as a precaution for safety of our members, CAC decided to change the Pickleball Friendship Tournament from Thursday, April 7th 10:00-15:00 to Wednesday, April 6th 6 pm. Please arrive on time for the matches. Due to the usually large number of pickleball players at this hour, it is difficult for CAC to predict how many courts will be available for our players. We must use the courts in accordance with the rules of the pickleball club and sign in upon arrival. We hope to be able to finish the matches on April 6th. But just in case we cannot finish all the matches, CAC will continue with the remaining matches the next day on Thursday, April 7th at 6 pm. On April 6th, CAC will provide pizza and water for the contestants.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause due to change of event date & time. We hope that all the participants will make the matches.
Please see the team roster below based on random drawing of names. CAC Committee members will provide a liability waiver. Every contestant must sign it and return it before the matches.
2. Several members donated total amount of $920, as well, rebate of $450 was received from our travel agent.
3. CAC continues to engage in community organizations & village clubs such as Korean Club, Irvine Senior Center, and LWV TV6.
比賽組別名單 (Pickleball Teams):
A1 | David Dai | Derrick Liang |
A2 | Jerry Ludlum | Mike Yang |
A3 | Qibin Bao | Elaine Yeh |
A4 | Jingzhi Zhou | Tony Wang |
A5 | MaoRei Brotman | Gloria Song |
A6 | Alice Pan | Vivian Kang |
A7 | Jean zhao | Luke Wang |
A8 | Ray Moy | Paul Yeh |
A9 | Conway Chu | Alice Mee |
A10 | Yihua Lin | Anita Hsu |
B1 | Eliza Lipton | Rose Fan |
B2 | Jean Dai | Audrey Wang |
B3 | Sandy Jin | Kwang Jo Chung |
B4 | Larry Lipton | Kuang Hsin Chin |
B5 | Ming Ming Wang | Bill Lo |
B6 | Richard Xiao | Μason Cheung |
B7 | Donna Ludlum | May Lan |
B8 | Jennifer Yang | Susie Ando |
B9 | Anna Chu | Matthew Yen |
B10 | Jessica Lin | Tony Yang |
B11 | Lyon Yu | Christina (Tina) Chiang |
華聯理事會 CAC Board
拉谷娜山莊화인聯誼會 || 라구나 우즈 빌리지 중국계 미국인 클럽