TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an international non-profit weight-loss organization, helping members achieve their weight loss goals through various programs and group support.
The Village TOPS Club meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 1, Dining Room 2. All Village men and women wanting to get their weight under control are invited to come to the meetings.
Each meeting provides a special program, along with motivation, information, support, and fellowship. Come join us!
Wherever you are on your journey, you are not alone!
Club Information
TOPS is an international non-profit weight-loss support and wellness organization. We don’t promise quick fixes or promote unrealistic images of the “perfect” body. Instead, we focus on health. Members learn about nutrition, portion control, food planning, exercise, motivation, and more. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge and without obligation.
Club Events
Clothing Exchange
Our Spring clothing exchange is coming up soon. This is a great chance to get rid of clothes that don’t fit you anymore and pick…
TOPS Spring Luncheon
TOPS annual Spring Luncheon will be Friday, May 18th, 11:30 at Clubhouse 6. Cost is $16 and cut-off date is May 9th. Join us for a…
클럽 뉴스
What’s Happening in December
December 5 – Eva Sears will talk about the TOPS Real Life Guide. This is the “Hands-On Pounds-Off Guide” published by TOPS. The books are available to…
What’s Happening in November
November 7 – Eva Sears will talk about the TOPS Real Life Guide. This is the “Hands-On Pounds-Off Guide” published by TOPS. The books are available to…
What’s Happening in October
October 3 – Eva Sears will talk about the TOPS Real Life Guide. This is the “Hands-On Pounds-Off Guide” published by TOPS. The books are available to borrow or…
클럽 연락처 정보
Leader – Donna Bailey 949-340-4064
클럽에 대한 공지
클럽/조직은 Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods(GRF)의 일부가 아니거나 제휴 관계가 아닙니다. GRF는 어떤 클럽/조직의 특정 행위나 활동을 지지, 승인 또는 허가하지 않습니다. 클럽/조직은 회원과 게스트의 진술, 행동 및/또는 행동 실패에 대해 전적으로 책임을 집니다. 클럽/조직은 모든 해당 GRF 규칙과 모든 해당 연방, 주 및 지방 법률, 법령, 코드, 조례 및 규정을 준수할 전적인 책임이 있습니다. GRF, 관리 에이전트, 이사, 임원 및 직원은 클럽/조직이 위의 어떤 것도 준수하지 못하는 것에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 GRF 레크리에이션 부문 정책 문서를 참조하십시오.