Theatre Guild


The Theatre Guild of Laguna Woods is a not-for profit organization founded in 1966.   The purpose of the club is to develop, promote and foster the expertise, appreciation, fellowship and enjoyment of the theatre experience for both the club members and the community at large.  All events are for Village Residents and their guests.

Club Information

Our club welcomes those who wish to perform, direct, produce, stage manage or work backstage with props, sets, etc. There are also opportunities to get involved with various committees such as hospitality, membership, event planning and programs.  At a minimum, every performance needs an audience so don’t hesitate to check out our club, have fun and meet new people.

  • Meetings – Third Thursday of the month
  • Location – Clubhouse 5
  • Time – 6-6:30 p.m. doors open, 7 p.m. program begins

Programs vary and there are some months that are dark.  Check the Globe for meeting details.


Club Events

11 / January / 2020

Cancelled – Love, Sex & the Big City – an original musical comedy by Fiset & Powell

Due to the closing of the PAC, Theatre Guild will be issuing refunds for tickets purchased for ‘Love, Sex & The Big City.’  Please be patient…as…

09 / December / 2019

Peace For The Holidays’ to be held on Thursday, December 19, 2019 – Monthly Meeting

The theme for our meeting is ‘Peace For The Holidays’ with a celebration of Song, Poetry, Friendship and Food. The Village Folk will perform musical numbers which will enhance our…

01 / November / 2019

Fun with Socks’ to be held on Thursday, November 21, 2019 – Monthly Meeting

How to Be Involved:  Go to your sock drawers!  Go to your Sock Stores (located in Mission Viejo or Laguna Beach or…).  Put that sock…

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클럽 뉴스

08 / January / 2021

Monthly Meeting – Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm

Theatre Guild is interviewing multi-talented Johnny Fletcher who sings, dances, acts…and (yes) he is easy on the eyes.  Addams Family Values, Oklahoma, Singing in the Rain…you name it,…

27 / January / 2020

Director and Assistant Director Needed for June 2020 Performances

…looking for a Director and Assistant Director for the play, ‘Juliet’s Garden’ which is scheduled for two performances on Saturday, June 13th in Clubhouse 1;…

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클럽 연락처 정보

President – Wendy Shade

클럽 문서

클럽에 대한 공지

클럽/조직은 Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods(GRF)의 일부가 아니거나 제휴 관계가 아닙니다. GRF는 어떤 클럽/조직의 특정 행위나 활동을 지지, 승인 또는 허가하지 않습니다. 클럽/조직은 회원과 게스트의 진술, 행동 및/또는 행동 실패에 대해 전적으로 책임을 집니다. 클럽/조직은 모든 해당 GRF 규칙과 모든 해당 연방, 주 및 지방 법률, 법령, 코드, 조례 및 규정을 준수할 전적인 책임이 있습니다. GRF, 관리 에이전트, 이사, 임원 및 직원은 클럽/조직이 위의 어떤 것도 준수하지 못하는 것에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 GRF 레크리에이션 부문 정책 문서를 참조하십시오.