The Village Reads

“The Village Reads” evolved from the ‘One City One Book’ program which takes the idea of a localized book discussion group and expands it to cover an entire community.  Started by Seattle in 1998, more than 50 US cities now sponsor similar programs, including many in California. Each city’s program has its own goals, which often include building a sense of community and promoting literacy.  These ‘books in common’ programs often seek to bring together disparate groups to read a book and then discuss it, cutting across race, religion, socio-economics, sexual orientation, politics and cultural identities.

The Village Reads mission statement goals are
+ to become a positive change agent in our community,
+ to bring the reading public together through a common experience,
+ to value the pursuit of learning through books, and
+ to recognize our shared humanity.

The Village Reads currently conducts one community read event each year.

If you’d like information about upcoming The Village Reads events, please send us your email address and we will add you to our database. Our email is –

클럽 정보

The Village Reads has announced its 2025 book in common:

Klara and the Sun by Nobel Prize Winner Kazuo Ishiguro.

The book discussion will take place on Saturday, June 14, in the Sequoia Room of Clubhouse 2.

Hope to see you there


클럽 이벤트

26 / January / 2025

2025 Book Choice Klara and the Sun

The Village Reads has announced its 2025 book in common: Klara and the Sun by Nobel Prize Winner Kazuo Ishiguro. The book discussion will take…

06 / May / 2024

The Village Reads 2022 Event

Franny Stone has always been a wanderer. By following the ocean’s tides and the birds that soar above, she can forget the losses that have…

06 / May / 2024

The Village Reads 2023 Event

In Bonnie Garmus’s debut novel, “Lessons in Chemistry,” a woman who has been banished to the home front turns it into a staging ground for…

1 2

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