Foodies Club

The Foodies Club goes to a wide variety of restaurants to learn more about the cuisines and cultures of various Orange County ethnic groups. We also patronize American and traditional restaurants in all price ranges and share our experiences with members at the meetings.

Club Information

We have a membership list so that members may contact each other individually and a list of recommended restaurants.

Members plan and organize restaurant visits and discuss and share information on these restaurants. (Click on a photo to see that location.) This results in some lively discussions. Our list of restaurants is the result of those discussions.  It is updated regularly.


Annual dues are $20 per person. If you do not have email, dues are $25 per person to cover mailing of the newsletter and any pertinent email notices. Dues can be paid at the meeting or mailed to: 

Carol Bennett  
2401 Via Mariposa West Unit 2F 
Laguna Woods, CA 92637-2028 

Checks only, please, payable to The Foodies Club. 


Meetings are held in the Clubhouse 5 Multi-purpose Room from 1:30 -3:30 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month (except for our annual June BBQ at Clubhouse 1). Guests are free their first visit.


Club Events

14 / May / 2023

Annual Barbeque!

Our Annual Barbeque is Saturday, June 10, 2023. Please remember to register and pay the $20 fee by June 1. Send your check to Carol…

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