Cat Club

Welcome to the Cat Club!  We have been an active club in the Village for almost 50 years, and over those many years have found homes for thousands of cats.  We are passionate about our cats and their well-being, and operate our club professionally to make sure these furry creatures have the loving homes they so deserve.

You may count on us to support you either in finding that perfect cat to share your life, or in finding a new home for your cat.
Or, in the joy of becoming a Foster – that temporary care-giver we count on so much.  We are here to help you share the love.

Club Information

The mission of the Laguna Woods Cat Club, founded in 1971, is to be a major resource for all cat welfare activities in Laguna Woods Village by:
• Engaging in periodic fundraising activities with all proceeds going to the Foster and Adoption program.
• Utilizing the afore mentioned fund to support this rescue, foster and adoption of Laguna Woods’ cats and to provide financial and other resources to qualified Laguna Woods’ residents who need help providing for their cats.
• Creating a friendly forum where cat lovers can socialize and learn about all things “cat”.
• Being a major information clearing house on local feline resources, services and events.
• Coordinating with other cat rescue organizations in Orange and San Diego Counties to share mutual help and support.

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Beverly Elwell
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Pat Wilkinson  –
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sharon Updike
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Bonnie Colling
Membership Officer . . . . . . . .  Audrey Gregory

Any Laguna Woods Village resident interested in cats is eligible for membership.
Dues are $15.00 per year for individuals / $25.00 for household.
The Village Cat Club will meet monthly. Meetings will not take place during the summer months or during the Christmas – New Year holiday period. Programs for meetings will appear in the Laguna Woods Globe.


클럽 뉴스

23 / December / 2019


Bella is a 10 year old Brown Tabby Maine Coon with white chest and paws. She has such a precious face, her photographer fell in…

13 / October / 2019


Baby and Bubba are a bright, beautiful and bold pair. Despite the extremely adverse situation they came from, they have triumphed. This approximately 10 year…

13 / August / 2019


Please meet Monty and his Mom, Puff.  These two beauties are a remarkable pair.  They have been through so much together and the love they…

클럽 연락처 정보


For Information on Relinquishing/Re-homing a Cat …
Mary Whipple (949) 885-6801 – email –
Terri Olsen (949) 278-6235 – email –

For Information on Adopting a Cat or to report a lost or found cat …
Call Pat Kirkwood (949) 581-7423
Other Club Business – Beverly Elwell, Club President (215) 896-7054-
To learn more about our club,  our Foster and Adoption Program, and view our current adoptable cats, go to
Visit our YouTube Channel to see cats that have been in our program


클럽에 대한 공지

클럽/조직은 Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods(GRF)의 일부가 아니거나 제휴 관계가 아닙니다. GRF는 어떤 클럽/조직의 특정 행위나 활동을 지지, 승인 또는 허가하지 않습니다. 클럽/조직은 회원과 게스트의 진술, 행동 및/또는 행동 실패에 대해 전적으로 책임을 집니다. 클럽/조직은 모든 해당 GRF 규칙과 모든 해당 연방, 주 및 지방 법률, 법령, 코드, 조례 및 규정을 준수할 전적인 책임이 있습니다. GRF, 관리 에이전트, 이사, 임원 및 직원은 클럽/조직이 위의 어떤 것도 준수하지 못하는 것에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 GRF 레크리에이션 부문 정책 문서를 참조하십시오.