TV6 Airs November Show

빌리지 텔레비전  
Thursdays in November (Novemer 3, 10, 17 & 24)
오후 7시

좋아하는 노래를 따라 부르세요 선샤인 퍼포먼스 클럽‘s ninth major show. Originally presented at the Clubhouse 3 Theater on January 21, 2012, this song-and-dance program included songs performed by the Korean American Choir led by Duck Lee, acts that featured Korean instruments, tap dancing routines by the “Rhapsody in Rhythm” tap dancers and much more. Proceeds from ticket sales and sponsor/audience donations raised over $5,500 for Saddleback Memorial Foundation.

Seventeen members of the club performed Broadway, country, opera and other favorites. Performers are pictured above from top row left: Charlie Huntsman, Toni Olivera, Suzanne Wyman, Irene Sellers, Chuck Meyer and Jonathan Harrington; middle row: David Hartman, Chuck Pereau, Shirley Docheff, Art Yanes and Hank Gioia; bottom row: Sunshine Lutey, Beth Cornelius, Waverly Hanson, Frank Buchanan, Allan Couzens, Susan Hsu and Grace Sams.

TV6 방영을 놓치셨다면, 여기를 클릭하세요 YouTube에서 시청하세요.

자세한 내용은 Sunshine Lutey에 문의하세요. 949-278-6454 또는 선샤인루티@gmail.com또는 Sunshine Performance Club을 방문하세요. 웹사이트.
