
The 2025 Village Games, scheduled for Monday, March 31, through Thursday, April 24, features 23 events: Archery, badminton, basketball, bicycling, billiards, bocce ball, bridge (progressive), equestrian, golf (18-hole, nine-hole and par-3), lawn bowling, outdoor pickleball, paddle tennis, pétanque, poker, shuffleboard, swimming, table tennis, target shooting, tennis, volleyball and soft volleyball.

Register at the Community Center fitness facility at 24351 El Toro Road during regular operating hours. ここをクリック to download the registration packet. Please note that registration for tennis and pickleball is closed.

For more information, including updates on registration packets, call 949-268-2275 またはメール assistant.fitness@vmsinc.org.

村のニュースをもっと知りたい場合は、下の「レクリエーション イベント」タグをクリックしてください。
