Dog Club Monthly Meeting

クラブハウス 3、パフォーミング アーツ センター

Monday, May 13, 2024


Join us for the next Laguna Woods Dog Club monthly meeting in May at the PAC.

There will be a short business meeting about membership renewals and the June picnic. This month’s program will include a movie night showing one of the following three movies: A Dog’s PurposeA Dog’s Journey, and a Dog’s Way Home. The movie will be chosen at the meeting.

これは、ドッグ クラブのメンバー、ゲスト、ラグナ ウッズ ビレッジの居住者を対象とした公開会議です。

It’s also that time of the year for members to renew your membership. Please get your membership renewals paid by the end of May. We are also always welcoming new members! Join this amazing club for informative meetings about dogs and their welfare, whether it be diet, obedience training or exercise. We also support rescue and foster groups. For more information, call 949-228-2462 または、 ドッグクラブのウェブサイトドッグクラブの申し込みは可能です オンライン または会議中に。 

At the end of the meeting there will be a prize drawing for a $25 gift card. 


イベントのチラシを見る ここ.

