Third, United Board Election Information

Candidates for the Third Laguna Hills Mutual and United Laguna Woods Mutual boards of directors 2023 annual election are confirmed. Both boards seek to fill four seats with terms ending with the 2026 annual election. 

Third Candidates and Details

  • Confirmed candidates: Deb Allen, Andy Ginocchio, Donna Rane-Szostak, Brad Rinehart, Moon Yun, Jules Zalon
  • Wednesday, August 30: Ballots mailed 
  • Friday, September 29: Ballots counted at a special open Third tabulation meeting 
  • Thursday, October 5: Third Mutual candidates with the most votes seated on the Third board at the annual corporate members meeting 

United Candidates and Details

  • Confirmed candidates: Nancy Carlson, Mickie Choi Hoe, Ellen Leonard, Harold Midence, Sue Quam, Lenny Ross, Georgiana Willis
  • Withdrawn candidacy: Jacqueline Souadjian
  • Wednesday, August 30: Ballots mailed 
  • Friday, September 29: Ballots counted at a special open United tabulation meeting
  • Tuesday, October 10: United Mutual candidates with the most votes seated on the United board at the annual corporate members meeting 

Make Sure Your Vote Counts!

Ballots for both Third and United must be returned by mail to the UniLect inspector of elections by Thursday, September 28, at 11 a.m. Members can also drop off their ballot in the ballot box located in the Community Center lobby until 5 p.m., Thursday, September 28, 2023. 

If you did not receive your ballot, or if your ballot is lost or damaged, please contact the UniLect Inspector of Elections’ duplicate request call center at 1-866-466-6455, which is available 24/7 throughout the balloting period. 

For any other questions regarding the election, please contact Inspector of Elections Catherine Burkhart at 1-888-864-5328 (1-888-UniLect). Please note that according to state HOA election regulations, only one ballot may be mailed per household/manor. To ensure your vote is valid and counted, please carefully follow the voting instructions in the ballot package you received via mail.

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