Apr/May 2022 Village Breeze

The April/May Village Breeze cover celebrates spring with a photo by Laguna Woods resident Jerry Sears of a pair of cute rabbits. Inside this issue you will:

  • Celebrate the Foundation of Laguna Woods Village’s silver anniversary and learn about its legacy of neighbors helping neighbors.
  • Discover six thriving ways to start your day with kindness toward yourself that gets passed on to others.
  • Meet Pastor Rick Bradford, resident and founder of the Village’s popular Saddleback Church campus.
  • Find out how good neighbor captains aid residents during disasters and how you can volunteer to help.
  • Learn about the risks, signs and minimally invasive treatments available for heart valve disease.
  • Gain insights into the counseling services, bereavement support, caregiver referrals and more offered by Laguna Woods Village Social Services.
  • Get the latest news from your boards of directors and a behind-the-scenes glimpse at more Village departments.
  • And much more!

To discover more about the Village, click on “The Village Breeze” tag below.

