10/28/2021 Globe Article

Two veteran players returned last week after an extended absence. Both players were warmly greeted by volleyball club members that were excited to have them back on the court. Welcome back Mohammed (advanced level) and Monica (intermediate level)!

Monica took advantage of the skills training that are provided every Monday night before intermediate play begins. “Coach Martin” provides training/tips based on your personal skill level, so if you’re a beginner or experienced player, we welcome you to join us for fun and exciting games.

Games are held in the mini gym at club house 1 six days a week. So, if you’re interested in some fun exercise and new friendships, we’re waiting to welcome you into the volleyball club.

Play days are: 
Advanced Level: 

  • Sunday/Friday (2:00), 
  • Wednesday (6:00); 

Intermediate Level: 

  • Monday (6:00)
  • Thursday (4:35)
  • Saturday (2:00)

Questions: LWVolleyball2021@yahoo.com.