輕排球俱樂部 (Light Volleyball Club)


輕排球(Light Volleyball, 或稱氣排球)是30多年前在中國大陸發明的一項新型排球。其特點是球的重量輕,體積大,球場小,球網低,不易造成身體傷害,特別適合中老年人健身和娛樂。它很快在中國流行,出現了數百個球隊和比賽。最近還流傳至澳洲和美國。下面是一則介紹輕排球的視頻,https://youtu.be/l8SQCrYWvDw,由澳洲華人製作,可幫助您進一步瞭解這項新型運動。

為了豐富會員的活動和增強健康,華人聯誼會計劃成立輕排球俱樂部。由於利敏Lyon 擔任召集人。現經過努力,球場和設備已基本解決。




Lyon 的聯繫方式:

email: sandyyu_08876@yahoo.com

電話: 619-206-1405

微信: LYON9448

Line: lyon9448



Light Volleyball is a new type of volleyball sport invented in China more than 30 years ago. Compared to Volleyball, Light Volleyball’s ball is lighter in weight, larger in size, played in a smaller court, with a lower net.  As this sport is safer and less prone to bodily injury, it is suitable for seniors or beginners. It has become popular in China, with hundreds of teams and competitions held.  Recently, Light Volleyball has gained popularity in Australia and United States as well. This is a video introducing Light Volleyball, https://youtu.be/l8SQCrYWvDw, produced by a group of Australian Chinese, to help you learn more about this new sport.

In order to enrich the lives of CAC members and enhance their health, CAC plans to form a Light Volleyball Club. Thanks to Lyon, the organizer, the necessary equipment and venue have been established.

CAC members who would like to join the club, please contact Lyon. Experience with volleyball is not required, and it is free for CAC members. The registration deadline is 7/1/2022.

The specific activity time and location will be published to team members after the registration deadline.

The initial plan is to play three times a week, for 1 to 2 hours on each day. After a period of training, we hope to have competitions amongst players.

Lyon’s contact information:

email: sandyyu_08876@yahoo.com

Phone: 619-206-1405

WeChat: LYON9448

Line: lyon9448

CAC Board


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village