Light Volleyball Club

Light volleyball (also known as balloon volleyball) originated in the 1980s when a group of retired individuals in China started playing with balloons as volleyballs. It has since been promoted and spread to numerous countries around the world. The ball used in light volleyball is slightly larger than a regular volleyball, the court is smaller, and the net is lower, making it particularly suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to engage in physical activity.
In April 2023, the Village Recreation Office approved light volleyball as an official village sports club.
Our activity schedule is on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 5-7pm, and on Mondays from 4-6pm. The location is the mini-gym at Club House 1.
All LWV villagers and their visitors are welcome to participate in the activities. The club will host various competitions and gatherings periodically. Club members participating in the competitions will enjoy special benefits.

LWVLVC will host a Light Volleyball tournament on Friday, June 30, 2023
LWVLVC will host a Light Volleyball tournament on Friday, June 30, 2023. 1) Registration: LWVLVC members are free, none members are $5 each. Last day…
Mr. Lyon Yu, 949-295-1109,
Mr. Steve Qu, 949-468-8035,
The Board now consists of five members:
Lyon Yu – President
Steve Qu – Technical Director
Agatha Zhao – Media & Communication
Sandy Jin – Secretary
Ai Chen – Treasurer
クラブ/組織は、ラグナ ウッズのゴールデン レイン財団 (GRF) の一部でも提携関係にもありません。GRF は、クラブ/組織の特定の行為や活動を支持、承認、または許可しません。クラブ/組織は、自身の発言、行動、および/または不作為、ならびにそのメンバーとゲストの発言、行動、および/または不作為について単独で責任を負います。クラブ/組織は、適用されるすべての GRF 規則、および適用されるすべての連邦、州、および地域の法律、法令、規則、条例、および規制の遵守について単独で責任を負います。GRF、その管理代理店、その取締役、役員、および従業員は、クラブ/組織が上記のいずれかに従わなかった場合の責任を負いません。詳細については、GRF レクリエーション部門ポリシー ドキュメントを参照してください。