Publishing Club
Our members share a common interest in understanding the world of publishing. We meet monthly to listen to speakers and share our experiences and ideas. Among us are authors of memoirs, biographies, humor, poetry, mystery novels, children’s books, sci-fi, and more. Some authors use traditional publishing methods; some self-publish their work; and others want a few copies for family and friends. Our members include established authors, award-winning writers or poets, and first-time authors.
Club Information
We meet from 2-4 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Dining Room 1 of the PAC (Clubhouse 3).
Membership is $20 and includes a copy of Village Stories, the annual anthology written by our members. Guests $3.
について Village Stories: In October 2017, the Publishing Club self-published the third volume of Village Stories, an annual anthology of stories, poems, and memoirs written by our members. The book is $8, and the profit goes to the Laguna Woods Foundation. Perhaps not all us of have a book inside us, but all of have at least one good story to share.
Club Events
January 17 club meeting
What will you, an author or poet, be focusing on this year? Publishing your first or next book? Revisiting and expanding your marketing strategy? Are you…
Club Contact Information
Peggy P Edwards, President : 949-707-5156
Miranda McPhee, Publicity : 949-445-2553
Vice Presidents: Jill Amadio, Scott Galasso
Facebook (for club members): Search for Publishing Club of Laguna Woods and request to join.
Club Documents
Notice Regarding Clubs
クラブ/組織は、ラグナ ウッズのゴールデン レイン財団 (GRF) の一部でも提携関係にもありません。GRF は、クラブ/組織の特定の行為や活動を支持、承認、または許可しません。クラブ/組織は、自身の発言、行動、および/または不作為、ならびにそのメンバーとゲストの発言、行動、および/または不作為について単独で責任を負います。クラブ/組織は、適用されるすべての GRF 規則、および適用されるすべての連邦、州、および地域の法律、法令、規則、条例、および規制の遵守について単独で責任を負います。GRF、その管理代理店、その取締役、役員、および従業員は、クラブ/組織が上記のいずれかに従わなかった場合の責任を負いません。詳細については、GRF レクリエーション部門ポリシー ドキュメントを参照してください。