American Ballroom Dance Club

We welcome all levels of dancing. We will have a Disc Jockey play for us every week. All of our Disc Jockeys have more than 10,000 songs to choose from. Come make your song requests. Dance to your favorite songs. Come and enjoy our music. We are looking into hiring live bands for future dates, as well.
All Laguna Woods residents and their guests are welcome at all of our dances and events. Membership is available to Laguna Woods residents. Laguna Woods residents may invite their non-resident friends to join us for our dance parties. No partners are required or necessary to attend. All skill levels are welcome. If you can walk, you can dance and have fun!
Ballroom Dancing Friday Evenings at クラブハウス5
Cost for Dancing : Members: $5, Guests: $10
DANCING from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Attendance at our events will be limited to the first 70 dancers. We are limiting attendance to avoid overcrowding of our tables and the dance floor, for the convenience and safety of our members and their guests.
DANCE LESSONS for Beginners
Instructor: Carlos Negrete
Location: Clubhouse 5 Main Lounge
Time: 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.
Separate fee for dance lessons: $5
Membership (or participation as a Friend of ABDC, for non-residents) will get you advance notification of dance events and reduced admission to dances. Please note that the rate for membership for residents and nonresidents is $35 for 2023. Please see 2023 membership application below.
Email Notifications
After you sign up as a member of ABDC, you should be receiving periodic emails about our dances and other related topics. If you are not receiving emails, let us know by emailing us で
Also, you should make sure your email provider has not blocked the above address. If you mark our emails as spam, you will not receive any emails.
Contact us at
See documents for a membership application.
クラブ/組織は、ラグナ ウッズのゴールデン レイン財団 (GRF) の一部でも提携関係にもありません。GRF は、クラブ/組織の特定の行為や活動を支持、承認、または許可しません。クラブ/組織は、自身の発言、行動、および/または不作為、ならびにそのメンバーとゲストの発言、行動、および/または不作為について単独で責任を負います。クラブ/組織は、適用されるすべての GRF 規則、および適用されるすべての連邦、州、および地域の法律、法令、規則、条例、および規制の遵守について単独で責任を負います。GRF、その管理代理店、その取締役、役員、および従業員は、クラブ/組織が上記のいずれかに従わなかった場合の責任を負いません。詳細については、GRF レクリエーション部門ポリシー ドキュメントを参照してください。