Concerned About the El Toro Interchange?

Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) is holding upcoming public scoping meetings for the I-5/El Toro Road interchange project—one in person (July 26) and one via Zoom (August 3). At each, a court reporter will record comments; otherwise, residents are welcome to submit comments via mail (Emily Czaban, ICF, 49 Discovery, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92618 ) or email ( या with the subject line “I-5 El Toro Road Interchange Project”) no later than 5 p.m. Friday, August 25.

Residents are encouraged to share any concerns they may have regarding the potential future improvements to the I-5/El Toro Road interchange under consideration by OCTA and Caltrans. Concerns might include noise, traffic, aesthetics, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, impacts on businesses and adjacent properties, and other environmental issues, during and after construction.

Find more information on the project and the scoping meetings via the links below:

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