City, CR&R First Waste Evaluation Results

Since January, the face of trash and recycling in the Village has changed a great deal due to the City of Laguna Woods’ change of waste carrier and California Senate Bill 1383, which requires our state to reduce organic waste disposal by 75% by 2025. 

SB 1383 also requires municipalities to monitor and measure organic recycling activity to keep designated containers free of prohibited items. 

State law requires the city and CR&R to conduct biannual waste evaluations, during which samples are taken from containers of the same type and separated at a facility into permitted and prohibited waste. A route is considered noncompliant when the sampled weight of prohibited waste exceeds 25% of the total sample. 

The city recently provided Laguna Woods Village with CR&R’s first evaluation results, and residents rose to the challenge—four of the five Village waste routes were in compliance. One waste route was noncompliant because it contained 28% organic waste, exceeding the 25% limit by 3%. Because 7% of the 28% organic waste contained yard clippings, the city recommends Village residents take advantage of the Friday yard clippings pickup program, coordinated by Resident Services and carried out by Landscaping Services staff. Call Resident Services at 949-597-4600 any time before noon on Thursday, provide your address, and your garden waste will be picked up on Friday morning. Place clippings or garden waste close to the curb, but not until Thursday evening. This allows for more space for you and your neighbor’s other green waste in the organic recycling bins. 

Another refuse route contained a high level (31%) of prohibited waste due to improper disposal of regular recyclables. This does not constitute noncompliance with SB 1383, but it highlights a great opportunity for education. यहाँ क्लिक करें to view the city’s flyer that highlights what recyclables (regular and organic) go into which bins.  

While many communities have yet to implement an organics recycling program, Laguna Woods Village residents have embraced the city’s program and are contributing to its early success. We thank you for your cooperation and diligence as we work together to meet the requirements of SB 1383 and boost recycling efforts. 

If you have trash, recycling and organics recycling questions, concerns or requests, please email CR&R at लगुनावुड्स या कॉल करें 949-625-6735

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