In the Foundation of Laguna Woods’ most recent installment of its broadcast series, “Planning for the Inevitable,” viewers learn what to expect from hospice care. Topics addressed include:
- Is hospice care only for cancer patients?
- Are patients transitioned to hospice care when they have only a few days to live?
- Can patients still receive treatment while on hospice care?
- What is the difference between hospice and palliative care?
- Who pays for hospice care?
Visit the Village Television YouTube Channel אוֹ לחץ כאן to learn more from Dr. True McMahan, medical director of Palliative Care at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center.
About the Foundation
The Foundation of Laguna Woods Village provides emergency assistance to qualifying residents experiencing temporary financial crisis. This assistance includes supermarket cash cards, prescription payments, utility bill payments, medical and dental expenses, caregiver and respite care services, taxi vouchers for travel to health care providers in Orange County and gas cards.
In addition, through Age Well Senior Services, the foundation funds programs that directly help Village residents.
For more information, visit or contact the Foundation at 949-268-2246/ Donations can be made using PayPal or via credit card online.
לחדשות נוספות בכפר, לחץ על התג "מה קורה בכפר" למטה.