Southern California Edison (SCE) staff is scheduled to make a presentation to the Laguna Woods City Council regarding an income-graduated fixed-pricing proposal that SCE has submitted for consideration as part of the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) proceedings to implement recent changes in state law (California Assembly Bill 205, Statutes of 2022). SCE has posted information on its proposal at
The presentation will occur during the Laguna Woods City Council’s next regular meeting on Wednesday, February 21, at 2 p.m. at Laguna Woods City Hall at 24264 El Toro Road. The meeting will be live streamed on Zoom and broadcast live on Channel 3 (within Laguna Woods Village). The Zoom link will be published with the meeting agenda packet, which is available on the Laguna Woods city website.
Please note that this presentation has been arranged for informational purposes only. Electric utility rates are not set by the City of Laguna Woods, and the Laguna Woods City Council does not have the ability to approve or deny changes in SCE’s rates or rate structure.
Please address comments regarding SCE’s proposal to the CPUC:
- Email comments to the CPUC at, following the instructions provided. Reference proceeding number R2207005.
- Mail comments to the CPUC at CPUC Public Advisor, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Reference proceeding number R2207005.
For more information on submitting comments to the CPUC, please contact the CPUC Public Advisor at or 866-849-8390 (toll free).
March Remote, In-Person Public Forums
SCE also invites interested parties to public forums in March regarding the utility’s application to raise electricity rates. There will be two in-person and four remote public forums. The forums can be viewed via internet or listened to via phone using the information below. If you wish to make a public comment, please participate by phone using the phone number, passcode and instructions below. When it is your turn to speak, the operator will call your name in the order you signed up to speak.
- Tuesday, March 5, and Wednesday, March 20, at 2 and 6 p.m.
- Phone number: 1-800-857-1917
- Passcode: 6032788#
- To comment: After entering passcode, press *1, unmute your phone and record your name
- Webcast:
In person:
- Wednesday, March 20, at 2 and 6 p.m.
- Recreation Park Community Center, 4900 E. 7th St., Long Beach, CA 90804
Click here to view the official notice of public participation hearings for Southern California Edison Company’s 2025 general rate case.
לחדשות נוספות בכפר, לחץ על התג "מה קורה בכפר" למטה.