The deadline to participate in a great opportunity to reduce clutter, save paper and cut costs is rapidly approaching.
Senate Bill 392 mandates that an association deliver a document in accordance with the member’s preferred delivery method. This means that under certain circumstances the mutual may use a valid email address as the default method when sending documents or notices to members via individual delivery.
You should have received your 2022 audited financial statements along with a form requesting your preferred individual delivery method for mutual documents. This method can be a valid email address or mailing address, two valid email addresses or two mailing addresses. If you missed the form in your audit mailing, you may email your delivery method preference to If you do not respond by Friday, September 1, 2023, the last mailing address provided will be deemed the preferred delivery method for this year.
Choosing the paperless option can save approximately $7.50 per manor in printing and postage for the spring and fall mailings. That means if 12,000 manors went paperless, this would save $90,000 in one year. Using Village apps like dwellingLIVE and EZ-Pay save additional costs.
לחדשות נוספות בכפר, לחץ על התג "מה קורה בכפר" למטה.