華聯徵求新理事推薦求才公告 (Calling for New CAC Board Members)







1,今年十月一日發出公告向會員徵求新理事推薦求才。並決定以至少十位會員聯名推薦者優先。且居住本社區滿一年以上。並說明適任華聯新理事之具體事實。在規定時間內直接email 方式寄至 lwcac2021@gmail.com。




The CAC bylaw 12/20/2021 version had been amended and effective 9/26/2023.  According to the bylaw, the current board members’ terms will expire on 12/31/2023, and new board member nominations may take place in October (10/1/23 to 10/31/23).

Per CAC’s board meeting on 9/29/23, the board has agreed to the following procedures:

1.  By October 1st 2023, CAC will send out an email to all members to request nominations of new board member candidates.  The candidates who are nominated by at least 10 current CAC members will be prioritized.  Candidates must have lived in the village for one year or more, and their candidates’ statements should list their qualification or relevant experience as CAC’s board members.  Candidates should email their information to CAC’s email account lwcac2021@gmail.com within the nomination period (October 2023).

After nomination emails are collected, a board meeting will be held in November 2023.  If the nominated candidates are approved by majority (over half) of the board members in attendance at the November board meeting, the candidates will become board members for next calendar year (starting January 1st 2024).

2.  The number of incoming board members should not exceed 1/3 of the number of current board members, so stability of CAC’s operations can be maintained.

3.  Review the current board members’ performance and accomplishments, and recommend additions and replacements accordingly.

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || מועדון סיני אמריקאי של Laguna Woods Village