華聯卡拉OK舉辦時間 (CAC Karaoke Schedule)



從現在開始到年底,卡拉OK組在CH1 Art room 的活動時間如下:

10/10, 11/14,12/12 是晚上6 – 9點。

10/24, 11/28, 12/26 是中午11點 – 2點 。


Since many members have asked about the schedule of CAC’s Karaoke activity, we would like to re-post it here again:

CH1 Art Room:

10/10, 11/14, & 12/12 6 – 9 pm

10/24, 11/28, & 12/26 11 am – 2 pm

There is no need to pre-register or request songs. Participation in the event is $1 per person. Everyone is welcome!

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || מועדון סיני אמריקאי של Laguna Woods Village