慶祝中秋活動 – Zoom聯歡會、領取月餅 (Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations – Zoom Party & Complimentary Mooncake)


“露從今夜白,月是故鄉明。”一年一度的中秋佳節即將來臨,華聯會將於91日星期四下午三點到五點舉辦一場視頻Z00M形式的中秋聯歡會, (因為數據統計陽性人數增加,很多地區又恢復戴口罩令,村裏的許多老人不敢參加現場聚會,所以我們取消了現場聚會改為視頻聚會,希望大家理解。)現在我們670多個會員們可以不出門,不恐懼病毒傳染,在家安安心心參加聚會,透過屏幕互相問候並觀賞豐富多彩綜藝節目。這次節目特邀請書畫同源會和綜藝組主辦。有村民華人們自編自導精心打造的綜藝節目;也有自畫自寫深耕勤練的書法、國畫、攝影、才藝等展示;此外還有各羣衆社團的圖片活動介紹等等。作品收件時間在825以前。大家彼此熟悉,自娛自樂,互相欣賞,各自千秋。讓我們在華聯會的大家庭中,身在它鄉異地仍能分享到傳統的中秋節日的美妙快樂吧!Z00M帳號是:347 733 9081.密碼是:456789.

1.  9月1日周四下午3-5時,Zoom的操作由科技組的吳錦章、趙穎、左秋蓮三人負責。開機時間2-6時。

2.  綜藝節目的表演由李桂雲Lisa負責。626-757-8566 – Jinxing.gylisa2004@yahoo.com

3.  摄影作品的收集由范傑負責。949-690-8682 727425703@QQ.com”>- 727425703@QQ.com

4.  書法、畫畫、才藝作品的收集由謝萌負責。510-508-8904 – Msun517@yahoo.com

5.  社團活動的介紹由廖林權負責。949-235-1818 – llcus66@gmail.com

此外我們還有一個好消息:華聯會在熱心人士捐助下購買了傳統的雙黃月餅, 現將月餅分發的規劃如下 :

地點 : 1號俱樂部 Room 2

日期 : 829日星期一

時間 : 依據門牌號碼分段進行

一,門牌號碼 與時間安排

@#1 – 2000 1:30-2:30pm

@#2001 – 3000 2:30- 3:30 pm

@#3001 – 4999 3:30 – 4:30 pm

@#5000 & up 4:30 – 5:00Pm









There will be a celebration party on zoom for Mid-Autumn Festival on September 1st 3 – 5PM.  There will be presentation of members’ art work, calligraphy & paintings, as well as singing, dancing, & music etc.  Members are also encouraged to submit photos of their club activities before 8/25/22.  Z00M ID:347 733 9081. Password:456789.     

1.9/1/22 3 – 5PM zoom session will be hosted by the Technology Committee.  Zoom setup will start from 2PM.

2.Lisa will be responsible for the programming.  626-757-8566 Jinxing.gylisa2004@yahoo.com

3.  Jie Fan will be responsible for photography collection.  949-690-8682 727425703@QQ.com”>727425703@QQ.com

4.  Mary will be responsible for painting & calligraphy collection 510-508-8904 Msun517@yahoo.com

5.  Lin will be responsible for club activities photos collection 949-235-1818 llcus66@gmail.com

Here are the details of the mooncake distribution:

Place: Clubhouse 1 Room #2

Date: 8/29/22

Time: Residents can pick up the mooncakes according to your manor #.

#1 – 2000 1:30-2:30pm

#2001 – 3000 2:30- 3:30 pm

#3001 – 4999 3:30 – 4:30 pm

#5000 & up 4:30 – 5:00Pm

Non-resident members can pick up anytime 1:30 – 5PM

1.  Only CAC members who have paid for 2022 membership can pick up mooncake.

2.  No membership application or fee collection on site.

3.  Please wear a mask & keep social distance while picking up mooncakes, and bring your own shopping bag if needed.  

4.  Please write down your manor # and name on a piece of paper to collect the mooncake.  If you are picking up for your friends, please also write their manor # & names, along with your phone #.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all members!

華人聯誼會理事會 CAC Board


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village