Holiday Party on Dec/17 (Friday)– No Memebership Meeting

Dear Members,

It’s been a while since we all gathered around to celebrate; so, let’s gather around and celebrate our Annual Holiday Party. EmojiEmojiEmoji

Members of the SlipCasting Club are welcome to attend the Annual Holiday Party scheduled for December 17th. (Friday)at the SlipCasting Studio in Clubhouse 4 from 12 Noon – 3:00PM.   

A “sign-up” sheet has been posted in the studio for Hors d’oeuvres and Dessert if you wish to contribute to the festivities.

Dress Code:  Put your best foot forward with feathers or furs OR come as you wish EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji
Entertainment:    Although, I’m sure “Alexia” will entertain us with our demand of music – wouldn’t it be fun If you “showed off” your special talent – let’s hear it or see it… (be a sport…do it!) EmojiEmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

 Happy Holidays and Regards

~~Except from Globe News~~