Emergencies like wildfires are stressful for us—but even more so for our pets, who don’t understand what’s happening. By preparing a “go” bag, we can act quickly and evacuate if necessary. But have we packed for our pets, too?
Here’s a suggested emergency kit for your pet:
- Food – One-week supply, plus a manual can opener and non-spill food dishes
- Water – One-week supply for drinking and cleaning, plus a non-spill water dish
- Medications – One-week supply with dosage instructions
- Carriers – Sturdy and portable, with bedding, blankets, and towels
- Veterinary information – Copies of vet records, including vaccinations and microchip details
- Current pet photo – Include owner contact information, pet name and ID tag
- Emergency contacts – Trusted individuals who can help if needed
- Pet poison hotline – ASPCA Poison Control: 888-426-4435
- Grooming supplies – Brushes, combs, flea comb and clippers
- Cleaning supplies – Paper towels, plastic bags and disinfectant
- Comfort items – Favorite toys to reduce stress
- Harness and leash – Essential for safe transport
- Muzzle – If required for safety
- Disposable litter box – For cats
Wildfires can ignite and spread rapidly, leaving little time to react. By planning ahead, you ensure the safety of both you and your pet when every second counts.
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