Casa club 1
Saturday, April 1
5 p.m.
El Boomers Club is proud to host Casino Royale Poker Party to benefit the Florence Sylvester Memorial Senior Center on April 1. The party will feature Texas Hold’em and Three-Card Poker tables, some of which will be designated as beginners’ tables. Players will use their winnings in drawings for great prizes, including a large-screen television.
All players are encouraged to dress as their favorite characters from James Bond movies for a chance to win a prize for “Best-Dressed Bond Character.”
Tickets are available at the Florence Sylvester Memorial Senior Center, at the Boomers Club sitio web, and at upcoming Boomers Club events. You may also purchase tickets aquí.
The $30 will buy players $200 in “Spy Chips,” which can be used to gamble at the tables and for prize drawings. A no-host, cash-only bar and food from 19 Restaurant and Lounge will be available.
Para más información llame al 949-415-8030 or visit the club’s sitio web.