Laguna Beach Animal Services Talks Coyotes

The Village community is immediately adjacent to coyote country, making Canis latrans sightings quite common. Coyotes have little to no fear of humans and, while not normally a danger to humans, some residents are concerned for themselves and their pets. 

One of the best ways to combat fear is through education. To help residents understand their coyote cohabitants, in her most recent episode of “Discovering Laguna Woods Village,” host Cyndee Whitney interviews Laguna Beach animal services officer David Pietarila to help increase awareness. Officer Pietarila shares great information about coyotes in and around the Village, tips for walking with or without a dog, insight into coyote behavior and much more. 

Click here to watch this important “Discovering Laguna Woods Village” episode on the Village Television YouTube channel (

For More Information and Resources

La División de Servicios para Animales del Departamento de Policía de Laguna Beach responde a situaciones de fauna silvestre en el pueblo. Para informar encuentros, llame al 949-497-0701 o envíe un correo electrónico a

Take the following steps to protect your pets: 

  • Leave a comfortable distance between you and coyotes; they will display defensive behaviors if threatened or cornered 
  • Increase the distance between you and a coyote if you do encounter one that behaves aggressively (you’re probably too close to its prey or family)
  • Don’t ever feed coyotes (or any wild animal—it’s illegal in California and prohibited in the Village)
  • Eliminar posibles fuentes de alimento y agua, como frutas caídas y agua estancada.
  • Alimentar a las mascotas en el interior
  • Mantenga a los gatos y perros pequeños en el interior o supervíselos de cerca cuando estén al aire libre.
  • Do not use retractable leashes for walking dogs
  • Guarde la basura en contenedores resistentes cubiertos.
  • Keep yard areas and patios free from becoming potential shelter, such as thick brush and/or weeds 

Para más noticias del Village, haga clic en la etiqueta “Qué pasa en el Village” a continuación.
