Call for Mutual Board Candidates

Serving on your mutual’s board of directors is a wonderful opportunity to make a positive impact on your community, help fellow residents and address Village challenges.

The Third Laguna Hills Mutual Board of Directors and the United Laguna Woods Mutual Board of Directors are calling for interested members to submit candidate applications for the 2022 annual elections.

Interested candidates may obtain an application by visiting the Laguna Woods Village Community Center, located at 24351 El Toro Road, and speaking with a corporate secretary, who will provide the application and election process instructions. Applications will not be sent via email or other digital platforms.

Member candidates for both Third Mutual and United Mutual must return completed applications and candidate video agreement forms to the Office of the CEO by 5 p.m. Friday, June 24. Candidate statements must be emailed to the inspector of elections at candidates@unilect.comby Friday, June 24, at 5 p.m. 

Para más información llame al 949-268-2295.

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